Percott Company
P.O. Box 211
South Beloit, IL 61080

I,____________________________________________(mare owner), hereby agree to breed the mare_________________________________(mare name)

registration number____________, age_____to the Stallion – Securitee Acres, AQHA number 3259039, in 2001 and to pay you the sum of
The following are the terms and conditions: 

1.    A Booking fee of $350.00 is payable when this contract is signed and returned. This fee is applied to the total breeding fee but is not refundable except under Condition No. 8. The balance of the fee plus all other charges will be due and payable when your mare is picked up.

2.    The mare shall be in a healthy and sound breeding condition and a veterinarian certificate shall accompany all dry mares. Failure to furnish this certificate will be authorization to have the mare examined by a veterinarian at the mare owner’s expense. The mare owner hereby gives permission to have the mare treated by a licensed veterinarian and have normal veterinarian services performed for anything which might insure the mare’s well being, including as many pregnancy examinations as deemed necessary by the veterinarian.

3.    The veterinarian agrees to diligently try to settle the mare. If, however, she does not settle, the stallion owner nor the attending veterinarian will be held responsible.

4.    If for any reason the mare is unable to be settled in a reasonable period of time another mare may be substituted.

5.    I understand that no one associated with Percott Company or the attending veterinarian will be held responsible for accident, sickness, or death to mare and/or foal. I agree to accept full responsibility for any veterinary expense incurred by my mare and foal. I also understand that my mare will be bred by any method which is believed best by the attending veterinarian. A foaling fee of $300.00 will be charged for foaling out mares. Expenses will be billed at the end of the month and are due upon receipt of statement. Such charges shall be paid whether or not the mare is settled. Veterinarian charges will be billed directly to mare owner.

6.   It is agreed that a live foal is guaranteed from this mating. Should the foal not stand and nurse, I shall be entitled to return privileges. This will apply only if the stallion owner is notified within one week from the foaling date. This notice must be accompanied by a veterinarian’s statement. Under the foregoing circumstances and upon receipt of the specified notice and the original stallion service certificate, it is agreed:

a.   Stallion owner shall give to mare owner a free season to the stallion the following year only and to the same mare originally booked (unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing between mare owner and stallion owner).

b.    If mare owner fails to deliver the mare (or a substitute mare if mutually agreed as stated above) for rebreeding the following year, then any and all fees paid shall not be refundable; the right to rebreed is thereby canceled and stallion owner is released from any further obligation whatsoever.

7.    The Stallion Service Certificate will be issued only if the foal stands and nurses and same is reported to the stallion owner.

8.    It is further agreed that should the above names stallion die or become unfit for service the fee will be returned if requested by mare owner. If the mare dies or becomes unfit to breed then another mare may be substituted if approved by the stallion owner.

9.    All mares must have a negative coggins test within the last six months and must be vaccinated against Equine Viral Abortion (Rhinopneumonitis).

10.  Mare care is: wet $15.00 per day; dry $14.00; and outside lot is $12.50 per day.

11.  A vet package is available at $250.00. It must be paid at time of booking by separate check to Strathman Veterinary Service.

12.  All breeding and board fees must be paid when mare departs; 24 hours notice prior to pickup of mare is requested.


Mare Owner Signature X_________________________________________________________





Date Approved:__________

By: ___________________





Quarter Horse StallionsShow Horses

 Meri J Ranch: Quarter Horse stallions, breeding services and quality show horses is our business. Located in Southern Wisconsin offering horses for sale, stallion services for Quarter Horses, Paint Horses and Apaloosas. Standing AQHA Stallions Two Thumbs Up and Securitee Acres.  This site covers the following topics: Quarter Horse Stallions,AQHA,stallion services,Quarter Horses For Sale,American quarter horse,Halter,western pleasure, huntseat,World Show,Appaloosa, Paint Horses, APHA, AQHA Incentive Fund, stallion, foal, mare

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